‘How can an astrologer read what is not yet written?’
Every field has its predictions. Medicine, economics, meteorology, they all make predictions. This is supported by their methodology and born out by experience. By analogy, astrology also makes ‘predictions’. There are times of smooth sailing and times when the sea gets rough and rocks your boat. This, as well as the area in which to expect a change, can be seen from the chart. But to conduct your life by concentrating on these rhythms means losing the big picture. There is something petty about 'calculating' one's life this way that trivializes astrology. Better to get to ‘know yourself’, trust in your abilities and move forward with conviction.
Out of the timber you got make a sturdy boat and know how to handle it well, then you can confront with confidence whatever comes. To shift metaphors, for a kite to rise you need headwinds. Hoping for tailwinds to raise you is a loser’s game. There is no way to foretell the future. This statement should have been written in boldface. Countless systems have been tried out and they all fall short. It is mainly this fortune telling business that gave astrology its bad name. And about every other astrologer is guilty of peddling in this area. The temptation is just too great. People look for it and astrologers gladly oblige.
That said, there is no reason to shy away from prognosis. We could not function without accounting in some way for what’s ahead. Astrology offers ways how to assess future scenarios . Thus one may choose a favorable moment to launch a venture, and be that your wedding date. But the basis is always the native chart of the participant. Only then the overlaying rhythms, at that moment in time, can be considered and weighed. The astrologer’s role is solely to explain and illustrate this scenario, the client’s role, and him or her alone, to decide what action to take.