World War II: After the liberation of France by the Allied Powers, Charles de Gaulle returned from exile to France. On August 24th, 1944, visiting the town of Toulon and being greeted by the army band playing the Marseillaise, the general wanted to shake hands with the music conductor. General Lattre de Tassigny, having himself a deep interest in astrology, introduced him to the general with the words: "Maurice Vasset, soldat, musicien et astrologue". De Gaulle then ordered Vasset to see him right away and had his chart read by him. This was the beginning of a confidential relationship that was to last for the next 25 years.
In November 1944, just before embarking with Churchill to see Stalin in Moscow, he handed Vasset, who was chef of the bataillon at the time, his birth chart with the words scribbled on the backside; "Vasset, vous etes un bon soldat mais aussi a bon astrologue."
Vasset later was invited to the Elysee Palace many times, to discuss current events as well as the charts of prospective ministers. To what effect Vasset's readings actually affected de Gaulle's decisions we do not know. But that de Gaulle gave credit to astrological interpretation is without doubt.
Le Nouvel Observateur, August 2000
Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970)