The beautiful art of reading fate

Only once did I really immediately understand the language of the sky; not in a reflective way, but in such a way that it opened up to me as an expressive dimension in the first place. On the horizon the sky was pink to peach colored, higher up it turned into turquoise. In the darker area stood Venus. Something more beautiful can not be imagined.

It was only at that moment that I knew: this was an expression, one just has to learn to understand it. The sky, an aphasic, which has no other possibility of communication than its appearances of light, and with Venus as the evening star it wants to say: this is the most beautiful. Splendor of sun, mildness of moon, pale color of Saturn -  so it speaks to us.

Lorenz Jäger, ‘Die schöne Kunst, das Schicksal zu lesen’, 2009

Lorenz Jäger, 2017, author of ‘Heidegger. Ein deutsches Leben.’ 2021, ‘Walter Benjamin.’ 2017, ‘Adorno. Eine politische Biographie.’ 2003